Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hari Vayu Stuthi Parayana

         Hari Sarvothama!                              Vayu Jeevothama!                                                             

Prathamo Hanuman Nama Dwitheeyo Bheema Eva cha | 
Poornapragna Treetiya Thu Bhagavat Karya- saadah ||

Special Thanks to:
LHVS Samithi
Asthika Samajam
Sri Anandha Theertha Bhajana Mandhali &
Pauparapatty people.

Photos Click here
Videos Click here

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome to dakshinamantralaya pauparapatty

Hare Srinivasa!!!
namastE prANEsha praNatha vibhavA yAvanimagA
nama: swAmin rAma priyathama hanooman guruguNa
namasthubhyaM bheema prabalatama krishnEshta bhagavannama:
sri madhwa pradisha sudrushaM nO jaya jaya

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anandha Theertha Bajana Mandali

Anandha Theertha Bajana Mandali
Dakshina Mantralayam,
Agraharam (P.O)
Dharmapuri District. 636 809.

Moblie No: 9442690225,9443616923,9952336670

Hari Vayu Stuthi Parayana

In Papparapatty, where there is a famous Sri Raghavendra Swami Brindavan, an ancient temple of Lord Sri Sri Bhu Neela Samedha Sri Abishta Varadaraja Swamy Temple is situated. Now they have removed the entire structure for constructing a new temple. For some reason or the other, the work is getting delayed. So the committee of Papparapatty has requested this Samiti for HariVayuStuthi Parayana for the early commencement and completion of this Temple. So HVS parayana with 10831st October 2010. Persons in and around Papparapatti, Palacode & Dharmapuri are requested to join the HVS parayana for praying for the commencement and completion of this Temple . 

Hari Vayu Stuthi Parayana in Pauparapatti

Dakshin Mantralaya at Pauparapatty

||Sri Hari Sarvothama Vayu Jivothama||
||Sri Guru Raghavendraya Namaha||

||Poojyaya Raghavendraya Satya DharmaRatayacha,||
||Bhajatam Kalpavrikshaya Namatam Kamadhenave ||

Dear Sri Raghavendra devotees,
In this post I would like to share the great divine place where Rayaru has been doing great miracles there. This article is the courtesy of Mr. Srinivasan Hejmadi. I would like to thank him for drafting this article. The Brindavana of Sri Guru Raghavendra at Papparapatti is known as Dakshina Mantralaya. Papparapatti is a small Grama (settlement) in Tamilnadu border, enroute Bangalore to Salem.
Temples become fountains of spiritual energy and sources of divine benediction by the grace of God. Man may labour to build majestic temples, but the place where he chooses to build is pre ordained by divine will. History is full of examples for this. Almost every great pilgrimage centre we can think of: be it Tirupathi, Badri, Benares or Udipi (we can add hundreds of names to the list) are places predetermined by celestial powers.
This is often narrated in the Sthala Purana of the places. When Sri Guru Raghavendra chose Manchala Grama to be the place where He would enter the Brindavana, The Nawab of Adoni was surprised. He could not understand why the saint preferred a barren village, when he was offered the pick of fertile lands of the kingdom. So would any of us be; going by our commercial common sense. But this is where common sense ends and divine sense takes over. Guru Raghavendra was aware of the tremendous divine vibration, the holy land of Manchala grama was blessed with. The place next to the holy Tungabadhra river where he decided to enter the Brindavana was the spot. He had performed countless yagnas in His earlier incarnation as Prahlada. It was the place where Arjuna fought a battle and with the divine help of Krishna conquered Anu Salva. It was the place where Sri Rama had tread upon, during His search for Seetha.
The Brindavana of Sri Guru Raghavendra at Papparapatti is known as Dakshina Mantralaya. Papparapatti is a small Grama (settlement) in Tamilnadu border, enroute Bangalore to Salem. Situated about 13 kms from Dharmapuri, a town on the National highway number 7. It is connected by a motorable road from Dharmapuri, with the road meandering about through lush green sugarcane fields. As we approach Papparapatti , we see the agrahara and rows of about 120 houses of Brahmins settled there for centuries. The clean courtyards, the rangoli in front of each house and children playing about, remind us of a picture page from a history book.
In the centre of the houses, stands the temple of Sri Varadaraja like a Jewel in the Crown. The temple is about 800 years old, as written in the stone inscription in the front. It still retains the ancient texture, the stone walls, and the carved low entrance where one has to step inside bending down with reverence. As the eyes get used to the shade after the bright sunlight from outside, in the glow of the oil lamps, we are rewarded by the sight of Sri Varadaraja Swami along with Sri Bhoo Neela Devis on either side. Sri Lakhsmi Narayana Murthi stands right in front of the main idols, blessing the devotees. Outside the sanctum sanctorum to the right is the Navagraha Sannidhi, a unique feature in a Vaishnava temple.
The temple tank under renovation now, is in front as we come out. To the right of that we can see the idol of Siddhi Vinayaka and to the west are Panneshwara Swami and Vedavalli blessing the devotees. As we go inside, we see a beautiful idol of Venugopala with Rukmini and Satyabhama. Next to that are the idols of Mukyaprana and Madhwacharya. Alongside is the Mrithika and Saligrama Brindavana of Sri Guru Raghavendra. As one stands in front of the Brindavana in all humility, one feels a strong attraction and pull, not wanting to move away. At the same time, there is a feeling of awe in the presence of Dakhina Mantralaya Swami in all His splendour and glory. One can feel a wave of profound respect inspired by the greatness, superiority and grandeur of the great Saint. A worshipful reverence floods the heart for the kind, compassionate Guru.
Hospitality is the hallmark of the temple at Papparapatti.
Here God waits for His devotees. Visitors driving along the highway drop in at odd times, taking a detour to have a darshan of Dakshina Mantralaya Swami. They are promptly rewarded. The archakas and the temple staff, staying near the temple premises, open the temple door, do a mangalarathi and the happy devotee gets the prasada and moves on.
All great events in the world happen by Divine will. Man is an instrument. God’s grace empowers man to act. Without His divine grace man is like a bulb without electricity. We read this in the scriptures, hear this in the discourses and see this happening around us. The construction of the holy Brindavana of Sri Raghavendra at Papparapatti Agrahara is an illustration to prove this. With His immense compassion, we can see the divine hand of Sri Guru Raghavendra guiding, helping and inspiring the turn of events. Every event that went into the making of the temple rings this bell in our minds loud and clear.
From time immemorial, history is replete with instances where superhuman beings have performed supernatural events. This is so in every religion. These supernatural events; which are commonly known as miracles, are done out of love and affection for the devotees. These miracles are not “a show of power to impress”, but they are braces to support the devotee to stand upright in his faith and march forward to his goal. It is a benediction, a reaffirmation for mankind to strengthen their resolve and move on; to progress in the spiritual path.
The vibrant temple and Brindavana at Papparapatti is a witness to a series of miracles starting almost eight decades ago. Way back in 1930s, the joint family traditions were the order of the day. There was a God fearing devout family of a landlord in Papparapatti . The family consisted of seven brothers and two sisters. Sri P.R. Achyuta Iyer was the eldest brother and the head of the family. His younger brother Sri P.R.Krishnamurthy was looking after the administration of the property and land. Another brother Sri P.R. Srinivasa Rao was looking after the Varadaraja temple activities.
Sri Srinivasa Rao had a series of misfortunes. All the children he begot died one after the other. The family was grief-stricken. Finally Srinivasa Rao’s wife; Smt Giriamma, delivered a boy, who survived. But the child was suffering from an acute stomach ailment from birth. The parents could not get any solace, as there was no improvement in the baby’s ailment in spite of prolonged medication. They took the child to a famous specialist Dr. Venkataramana Iyer, at Chennai (Madras as known in those days). The doctor thoroughly examined the child. His verdict was very disappointing. He said that the ailment had become very chronic and expressed his helplessness to cure the child. Being a great devotee of Sri Guru Raghavendra he advised the parents to go to Mantralaya with the child and seek the blessings of the Divine Guru.
Accordingly, the child’s father, Srinivasa Rao, his wife Giriamma and his sister-in-law (Sri Krishnamoorthi’s wife) went to Mantralaya. There they performed seva for two months. The parents became anxious as they could not see any outward changes in the child’s condition. Also, Sri Krishnamoorthi, who was supposed to have come to Mantralaya during the period, had not turned up. Srinivasa Rao thought of going back home to Papparapatti . Accordingly he sent a telegram to his brother Krishnamoorthi informing about their return programme. He started making preparations for his departure the next day.
“Man proposes and God disposes”. Here in Papparapatti , Krishnamoorthi was making preparations to leave for Mantralaya. He was not aware that his brother and family on the other hand were making preparations to come back from Mantralaya to Papparapatti . Nor had he received the telegram sent by his brother from Manatralaya about his departure. Having made all the preparations, Krishnamoorthy retired to bed early to start for Mantralaya the next day. But this was not to be. Divine will prevailed. In the early morning hours on the day of his proposed departure, Krishnamoorthy had a dream. In that, an old Sanyasi (mendicant) appeared before Krishnamoorthy rao and told him “I am coming to your place”. Then he disappeared. Krihnamoorthy Rao woke up. He immediately contacted the scholars and friends there and sought their advice. They said “The message of the dream is clear. You need not go to Mantralaya. Instead Sri Raghavendra Swamiji is coming here. You construct a Brindavana here.”
There was great rejoicing all over. The people of Paparapatti and around were thrilled to hear that Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamiji had blessed them by condescending to be in their midst. The brothers got together, and decided to construct a Brindavana in Papparapatti itself. They resolved to set apart suitable lands for the upkeep and maintenance of the temple, and offered prayers to the effect. The very same night, in Mantralaya, Srinivasa Rao’s wife Giriamma had a dream. In that an old man approached Giriamma and gave her a broom and a mora (normally used for collecting the swept waste etc. from the ground). The lady could not understand the meaning behind the dream; whether it was auspicious or not. She was very apprehensive and upset and wanted to know the significance of the dream. She sought clarification from the Archaka, Vedavyasacharya who performed the pooja for the Brindavana.
Sri Vedavyasacharya explained to her that the dream conveyed a very positive meaning. It meant that the stomach ailment the child was suffering from would be cured; as a matter of fact literally swept away. True to his words, the child purged in the afternoon, and became free from the ailment. It was a dream come true for the mother. She brought a broom and mora and swept the waste clean!
A grateful Srinivasa Rao with his wife and child**** took the permission of the Peethadipathi Sri Sri Suyameendra Teertharu Swamiji and came back to Papparapatti .
{****The child grew up and devoted a lifetime of seva to Guru Raghavendra at the temple in Papparapatti . He was known as Ramakrishna Rao, and familiar figure to so many devotees. He passed away recently]
Preparations started for construction work of the temple. Two of the brothers went to Bangalore to contact a sculptor for carving of the Brindavana.
The sculptor was already working on an order from another party for preparation of a Brindavana. It was almost ready. Just a day before the two brothers came to him with their requirement for the Brindavana, the sculptor got a dream. In that an old man ordered the sculptor “You hand over the present Brindavana that is constructed to the two persons coming to you tomorrow. Do not worry about the earlier order. It will take six months more for installation of that.” Next morning, the sculptor was amazed to see the two brothers who came to him as mentioned in the dream wanting a Brindavana.
He immediately offered to hand over the Brindavana to them. Not only that, he even transported it by train to Pallakkadu Railway station and delivered it to the two brothers for installation with great devotion. Pratishtapana of Mrithika Brindavana is a holy and elaborate ritual. The Moola Mrithike has to be given personally by the Peethadipathi of the Mantralaya temple. It has to be brought with due piety, purity and the laid down norms. In those days a bunch of chosen devotees would carry the Mrithike on their heads turn by turn. They would walk the distance from Mantralaya to the place where it was to be installed. No other form of transportation was used. The devotees carrying the Mrithike would only travel by day, and rest in a temple or a holy place by night. Sometimes the travel would take weeks, or even months. The devotees would chant Bhajans and sthotras enroute and observe the laid down niyamas of purification.
The eldest brother Sri Achutha Iyer and a team of devotees, set upon the holy task of bringing the Mrithike from Mantralaya. Accordingly, they went and entreated upon the Peethadipathi of Mantralaya Temple, Sri Sri Sudheendra Theerha Swamiji for Mrithike. The swamiji, was happy to oblige the devootees. Accordingly, after the due prayers and procedures, Swamiji removed the Mrithike to hand over to Sri Achutha Iyer. What a wonder! Everyone there was astounded to see a Saligrama appear along with the Mrithike. The overjoyed devotees not only got the Mrithike, but a holy Saligrama along with it. How blessed were they! How elated they must have felt! It was something unique to indicate that the Brindavana at Papparapatti had a very special grace. It was a pointer to indicate the splendour that it would be. Sri Sudheendra Thirtha conveyed that Papparapatti is going to be like another Manthralaya; now acclaimed as Dakshina Mantralaya.
On 21-2-1996, the present Mathadipathi, Sri Sushamendra Thirtha was to arrive at Dharmapuri (About 13 Kms. From Papparapatti ) for consecration of Brindavana there. The Aasthika Samaja requested him to come to Papparapatti also. Due to paucity of time, the swamiji said he would be able to spend only a short time at Papparapatti , and he should not be forced to extend his stay.
What finally turned out was something which brought so much of joy to the devotees at Papparapatti . After the consecration at Dharmapuri,the swamiji arrived in Papparapatti on 21st itself and stayed for two full days. He performed puja, panchamrita, archana, deeparadhana etc. to the Brindavana of Sri Guru Raghavendra and the other deities there. In his pravachana he proclaimed that the temple in Papparapatti would develop into a famous pilgrimage centre and be known as Dakshina Mantralaya.